Serena Evans

Professional Hair Stylist and Expert in Black Hair Care

Expertise: Black Hair Care, Hair Maintenance, Hair Styles, Hair Dressing
Education: Advanced Hair Styling and Care Certification + Multiple Hair Courses


  • Specialist in black hair care and styling
  • Extensive experience in creating unique and beautiful hairdos for black individuals
  • Passionate about helping clients embrace their natural hair textures
  • Over 12 years of experience in the hair industry

“Black hair is a canvas of endless possibilities, and I’m here to celebrate its beauty and uniqueness. It’s not just about hair; it’s about self-expression and self-love.”— SERENA EVANS


With over 12 years of experience in the hair industry, Serena Evans is a highly regarded professional hair stylist known for her expertise in black hair care, maintenance, and styling. She has transformed the way individuals view and appreciate their natural hair.

Serena has worked with clients of diverse backgrounds but specializes in black hair care, where her passion truly shines. She has contributed her knowledge to beauty magazines, hosted workshops, and led discussions on the importance of embracing natural hair in the black community.

Beyond her work as a stylist, Serena is a strong advocate for promoting self-confidence and self-acceptance among her clients. She believes that black hair is a symbol of strength, beauty, and individuality.

About Zohna

Zohna is your ultimate guide for beauty and wellness, serving up advice, trends, and tips from hair and nails to skincare, makeup, and overall well-being. Our articles are your toolkit, blending examples, infographics, how-to guides, videos, and product recommendations to keep you in the know.

What makes Zohna stand out? It’s our commitment to keeping it real, staying relatable, and diving deep into thorough research. We’re not just a publication; think of us as your beauty bestie, ensuring no one feels left out or priced out in the quest for beauty and wellness wisdom. Our research team goes the extra mile, cutting through the noise of sponsored opinions to provide honest insights on what truly works for everyone in the beauty and wellness space.