Blackheads on Nose? Here’s How to Get Rid of Them Fast

Updated on July 26, 2023
Boshika Gupta By Boshika Gupta
Boshika Gupta

Writer, Beauty & Wellness Enthusiast

Table Of Contents

    Blackheads on Nose IntroductionPIN

    Blackheads on Nose? Here’s How to Get Rid of Them Fast

    We know how you feel – blackheads are a common menace that strikes when you least expect it, potentially causing you to feel self-conscious and uncomfortable. You can get blackheads anywhere on your face (your nose and chin are highly susceptible) and even on some parts of your body, such as your chest, neck, and back.

    While they’re typically not known to hurt and are essentially acne in a different form, blackheads on the nose can cause pain if they’re infected and swollen. The area around an infected blackhead may turn red and could get filled with pus.

    That said, blackheads on the nose are usually not that serious and can be treated using different methods. In this post, we’ll cover removal tips and tricks and some products that can alleviate your blackhead woes and help prevent them in the future.

    How to Get Rid of Blackheads On Nose

    To get rid of blackheads, you’ll need the right treatments, the right tools, and most importantly, persistence. These are core strategies necessary for maintaining clear skin and preventing blackheads from accumulating in the pores on your nose.

    Consider some dos and don’ts for blackheads on nose removal.

    What to Do What Not to Do
    Treat clogged pores with alpha-hydroxy or salicylic acid. Avoid picking blackheads with your fingers
    Use blackhead extraction tools Use extraction tools without knowing how
    Use non-comedogenic products Avoid pore-clogging ingredients like lauric acid, benzaldehyde, or isopropyl palmitate.
    Consider professional blackhead extraction Limit high-glycemic foods that boost the skin’s oil production.
    Ask about OTC, and prescription medication Be skeptical before trying blackhead removal trends

    Treating blackheads is important, but going about it the right way is crucial. It’s best not to try to get rid of blackheads on your nose by picking at them. Because blackheads are clogged pores that are exposed, it is possible for bacteria from your hands or elsewhere to find their way in. Additionally, picking at blackheads with your fingers risks damaging the wall surrounding the pore. Damaging the skin surrounding a blackhead leaves it vulnerable.

    So what can you do to get rid of blackheads? There are several ways to tackle blackheads on nose issues, including

    • Topical creams or cleansers
    • Manual extraction
    • Professional treatment
    • OTC or prescription medication like oral antibiotics
    • Prevention
    • Try a blackhead mask and see if it helps
    • Patience (as they tend to recur)

    It’s likely you’ve tried to get rid of the blackheads on your nose already. Probably more than once. If you’ve already tried a handful of blackheads on nose treatments to no avail, you’re likely wondering if there’s a permanent solution. Well, the answer isn’t super clear.

    Because blackheads aren’t caused by a lack of hygiene or proper skincare, getting rid of them isn’t always as simple as washing your face (although that can help). Blackheads have several possible causes.

    The most common causes of blackheads are:

    1. Genetics
    2. Hormones (too much androgen)
    3. Effects of medications such as corticosteroids or lithium
    4. Body producing excess keratin or oil
    5. Bacteria

    Since blackheads may have a genetic link in some cases, getting rid of them requires routine manual extractions, continual efforts to keep pores free of debris, or taking medication.

    Essentially, blackheads on nose remedies aim to prevent new blackheads from forming and getting out of control. In some cases, blackheads on the nose solution is permanent so long as treatment is maintained. Unfortunately, blackheads often tend to come back when treatment stops.

    How to Remove Blackheads On Nose

    Removing blackheads requires a bit of effort. It’s about figuring out what method works best.

    A blackhead is what’s known as a comedo. An open comedo (or comedones if we’re talking about more than one) is an open and exposed clogged pore. Blackheads are open pores, as opposed to whiteheads which are enclosed by a layer of skin. A blackhead becomes clogged when keratin (dead skin) and oil accumulate in a pore.

    While trying to control those irksome nose blackheads, it’s common to go through some tried and tested tricks to find a solution that works for you. Usually, it’ll take time to find an effective solution (which is perfectly okay).

    Just be patient and trust the process while tackling those huge blackheads on the nose.

    Here’s a quick overview of the ways you can eliminate blackheads on the nose.

    Blackhead Removal Solutions Description
    Work on Your Skincare Routine Follow a consistent skincare routine to keep your skin healthy. This can potentially reduce the appearance of nose blackheads.
    Use a Pore Cleanser Pore cleansers can help reduce excess oil and eliminate blackheads on nose.
    Exfoliate With an Exfoliating Product Exfoliating can improve your skin’s texture and reduce the appearance of nose blackheads.
    Use a Washcloth This natural and affordable method can help you gently exfoliate your face and focus on decreasing the appearance of nose blackheads.
    Treat Yourself to a Clay Mask Clay masks can help you fight nose blackheads by removing excessive oil on your face.
    Medicated Products High-powered acne and blemish-fighting ingredients that use active ingredients to fight blackheads on noses.
    Use Blackhead Removal Tools Physical tools like pore vacuums and extractor tools remove the blackhead itself from your pore.

    Now let’s get into the details on how you can kick blackheads on the nose – for good!

    Examine Your Skincare Routine

    It might be helpful to change your skincare routine if nose blackheads are a recurring problem. For example, if you tend to sweat a lot during the day or even at night, it’s important to rinse your face thoroughly to eliminate the oils left behind (because excessive sweat can lead to blackheads on nose).

    Make sure to follow a basic skincare routine that includes the following:

    1. Cleanse with a foaming cleanser, a cleansing balm, a cleansing oil, or another cleanser both morning and night.
    2. Moisturize your face and neck with a moisturizer that works for your skin type.
    3. Use chemical or physical sunscreens during the daytime.
    4. Gently exfoliate your face at least once a week.
    5. Use a toner that includes ingredients like glycolic acid to speed up cell turnover.

    Try Pore Cleansers

    While combating unrelenting blackheads on the nose, turn to the basics first. Something as simple as a pore cleanser may surprise you with promising results. Your job is to stay disciplined and not rush the process. Good things take time. You may be able to eliminate nose blackheads with an effective pore cleanser as long as you follow the instructions and stick to your skincare routine.

    Zohna Tip

    Don't be in a rush while cleaning your face. Give the product time to work and gently cleanse your face for at least 60 seconds.

    Also, before you get confused, take note – pore cleansers are basically cleansers that can be used all over your face. You don’t need to purchase a separate cleansing product to remove excessive oil from your skin.

    Good news for you, we’ve got a short list of our favorite pore cleansers that should be on your radar.

    This alcohol-free cleanser has impressive ingredients such as squalene and apricot kernel oil that help keep your skin moisturized while cleansing and removing grime and excessive oil.

    Paula’s Choice Cleanser
    $19.00 ($2.38 / Fl Oz)
    10/31/2023 09:11 pm GMT

    This product is the right fit for someone who needs something effective for those blackheads on the nose. The cleanser works on reducing pores and enhancing skin texture. Here’s an extra perk: this product contains no fragrance or parabens.

    Murad Clarifying Facial Cleanser
    $14.25 ($4.04 / Ounce)
    02/17/2024 10:58 pm GMT

    Formulated with ingredients such as green tea extract and salicylic acid, this promises to keep those pimples and nose blackheads under control. This cleanser doesn’t contain parabens or sulfates. Plus, it claims to help prevent future breakouts thanks to salicylic acid. This beta-hydroxy acid exfoliates the skin and gets rid of dead skin cells.

    Everyone’s skin is different – it’s okay to not like a popular product and experiment with options. Use a pore cleanser that cleans your skin without drying it out, and don’t be afraid to experiment.

    Exfoliate Regularly

    Ah, exfoliating – one of the most underrated steps in a skincare routine that can work wonders for your skin when done correctly. When looking for ways to remove blackheads on your nose, you’ll likely come across suggestions mentioning exfoliation. This process eliminates dead skin cells and keeps your face and skin texture healthy.

    You may see your nose blackheads reduce by regularly exfoliating with a chemical exfoliant that works for your skin type. While trying to minimize nose blackheads and keep acne under control, your best bet might be to try beta-hydroxy acids such as salicylic acid.

    Zohna Tip

    Avoid going overboard with exfoliation, as this can damage your skin barrier. Use the exfoliant as directed and avoid using too much product (a little goes a long way)


    Use a Warm Washcloth

    Want to find a potential solution for nose blackheads without spending a lot of money on new products? You should try using a warm washcloth on your face to remove dead skin cells gently.

    If you’re interested in this method, take a few precautions to avoid irritating your skin while exfoliating:

    • Use a clean cloth and ensure that it’s damp before exfoliating your skin
    • You can add a cleanser to the cloth at this stage or use water
    • Be gentle with your skin and use circular motions to exfoliate your face
    • Give your face a quick rinse if you applied a cleanser earlier
    • Moisturize your face, as usual

    Try a Clay Mask

    Looking for a way to pamper your face with a mask at the end of a long week? Wouldn’t it be awesome to clear your pores and simultaneously target those blackheads on the nose? You can do this and much more with a high-quality clay mask that removes excess oil, reduces blackheads, and refines your skin’s texture.

    Take your time while selecting a clay mask, and research beforehand to understand how it can address your major concerns.

    And remember while using a clay mask, be mindful of the time and ensure that you don’t keep it on longer than necessary to avoid unpleasant side effects like overly dry skin. You can use a face roller afterward to massage in hydrating serums and oils to make your face feel fresh and dewy.

    Use Medicated Nose Blackhead Removal Products

    When topical products simply don’t cut it, you may need a little extra help. That’s perfectly okay – you can try taking acne medication or topical treatments to deal with nose blackheads. Plus, several OTC products can help you eliminate blackheads on your nose.

    Here is a list of products that are accessible and affordable.

    02/17/2024 10:53 pm GMT

    Differin Gel is a well-known targeted treatment option that clears pores and reduces inflammation. It may work as an effective solution while tackling blackheads on the nose. If you have sensitive skin, you’ll be happy to know that the gel does not contain alcohol or fragrances. But as always, takes precautions and patch test before using it on your face.

    This option is worth considering if you need something that specifically combats blackheads on the nose. This gel is formulated with salicylic acid and may even improve your skin’s appearance, giving you a natural glow.

    La Roche-Posay Gel
    $35.99 ($22.49 / Fl Oz)
    10/31/2023 09:05 pm GMT

    Retinoids are highly effective treatment options that address several skincare concerns, such as fine lines, blackheads, whiteheads, acne, and more. This gel claims to reduce blackheads, whiteheads, and acne while unclogging pores.

    Try Nose Blackhead Removal Tools

    This is a risky one, and it’s only recommended to try this at home if you know what you’re doing. You can use tools like blackhead remover vacuums and manual pimple popper tools.

    Pimple popper tools are manual stick-like metal wands with different ends to target blackhead removal. A more high-powered option is a blackhead removal vacuum.

    Its powerful suction mode can help you target nose blackheads without applying manual pressure – but there are definitely pros and cons with each of these tools, as outlined in the table below.

    Blackhead Removal Tool Pros Cons
    Manual Blackhead Remover Tool It’s a simple and affordable tool for those who are experienced and can perform blackhead extractions with ease. You can injure yourself or cause skin inflammation if you don’t know what you’re doing.
    Blackhead Remover Vacuum You don’t need to be experienced to use this tool, as it has a powerful suction tool that does the job for you. This tool may not give you the results you’re looking for or may cause bruises if you don’t steam your face beforehand.

    If you’re unable to visit a dermatologist and you’d like to use some pimple popper tools, ensure that you follow these steps before tackling those annoying blackheads on the nose:

    • Keep your hands, face, and tools sanitized throughout the process.
    • Use blackhead removal tools like spoon loops and comedo extractors.
    • Steaming your face or taking a hot shower is important before you start trying to remove those nose blackheads.
    • When attempting to target blackheads on the nose, go slow and be gentle. Adding a lot of pressure can hurt your skin.

    Massive Blackheads on Nose

    Massive blackheads can occasionally show up on your nose, making you squirm as you examine them closely and wonder what’s the best way to combat this huge issue. You need to remember that massive blackheads on the nose are not a sign of unhygienic practices and do not mean that you’re doing something wrong.

    They’re very normal, very common, and are caused due to a buildup of sebum and dead skin cells.

    Massive blackheads on the nose may feel alarming, especially if you’ve never experienced them before and are dealing with a particularly nasty flare-up. Don’t panic! There are solutions that can help you address this problem. It’s also helpful to examine underlying causes to prevent breakouts in the future. Whatever you do, it’s best to refrain from trying DIY remedies without conducting proper research to avoid complications.

    Zohna Tip

    While blackheads can be understandably frustrating to deal with, don't try to get rid of them at home by picking at them or rubbing your skin. Popping huge blackheads on noses may cause more problems in the future. Use specific tools and products to remove them safely.

    Popping Blackheads on Nose

    We get it – you’re tempted to eliminate nose blackheads by popping them yourself, but experts don’t recommend this. If you’re not careful, popping blackheads on the nose can lead to more serious and painful issues, such as skin irritation. You need to be safe while attempting to tackle huge blackheads on the nose by yourself.

    A few solutions that can help you combat blackheads on your nose include:

    • Pore cleansers
    • Exfoliating tools
    • Face masks
    • Facial steamers
    • Pore vacuums
    • Pore strips
    • Medicines that target acne
    • An effective skincare routine

    What Causes Nose Blackheads?

    Blackheads on the nose may occur due to multiple factors, and it may be tricky to zero in on the exact cause without consulting a medical professional.

    That said, those pesky nose blackheads are usually caused by multiple factors, such as:

    • Fluctuating hormones in your body
    • Blocked pores
    • Excessive sweat or being in humid environments
    • Certain medicines, and steroids

    Also, blackheads may or may not show up again – it’s difficult to predict this because of fluctuating hormone levels or lifestyle changes that may impact your skin.

    For example, if you’re living with a medical condition such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), you may experience a flare-up of blackheads and may need medical advice to plan your next steps. Certain medications may also cause your skin to react unpredictably and lead to nose blackheads. Whenever you’re unsure, it’s best to consult a doctor who can suggest the right treatment plan.

    How to Prevent Blackheads on Nose

    Prevention is the best way to think about long-term blackheads on nose skincare solutions because it means treating blackheads before they spawn out of control or come back, and they do come back. Ultimately, it comes down to skincare basics, taking the time to cleanse away surface-level debris from the delicate skin on your face.

    Once blackheads form and harden deep within the pores, it takes more than an effective exfoliate to scrub them away. Usually, blackheads at that point need to be extracted either by you or a professional. But you can prevent blackheads from becoming worse by keeping pores clear.


    A common treatment for acne, retinoids are an effective preventative solution for blackheads. You can find blackhead-fighting products containing retinoids, such as facial cleansers and acne creams. They’re available as a prescription as well as over the counter. So, how do they prevent blackheads from showing up?

    Retinoids help resurface the skin. They promote the skin’s process of shedding dead skin cells and replacing them with new cells. Resurfacing helps pores shave away dead skin cells as well as preventing them from becoming clogged and later developing into blackheads.

    In addition to sloughing away dead skin, retinoids help reduce the skin’s production of oil. Because blackheads are the buildup of oil and debris lodged inside pores, reducing the production of oil on the skin helps prevent blackheads from forming.

    An OTC Retinoids Equivalent

    You can look for an ingredient called Adapalene which is an over-the-counter version of prescription retinoids. Adapalene may be good for sensitive skin because it’s not as irritating and works similarly to its prescription-strength alternative.

    Essentially, retinoids work on reducing clogged pores by making them less sticky and less able to remain lodged within pores, keeping them clogged.

    Salicylic Acid

    Like retinoids, salicylic acid helps prevent blackheads by keeping pores free of clogged material. Salicylic acid breaks up pore-clogging dead skin cells, preventing them from sticking. Salicylic acid is an excellent ingredient to use on blackheads on nose removal, and it’s found in various skincare products, including facial cleansers, creams, and makeup.

    Using Non-Comedogenic Products

    The benefit is in the product label itself! Non-comedogenic products are formulated with ingredients specially designed not to clog pores. In other words, no comedones! Non-comedogenic products are labeled as such, and you can find non-pore-clogging options for most types of products used for beauty and skincare.

    Think about everything that comes into contact with your face and how much of it has the potential to become lodged deep within the pores of your skin. Products you probably use daily that can potentially lead to blackheads include:

    • Facial cleansers
    • Makeup (foundation, powder, blush, highlighter.)
    • Sunscreen
    • Moisturizers
    • Skin-tightening creams

    But besides clogged pores and blackheads, do you really want potentially harmful ingredients like parabens to penetrate tiny holes in your face?

    While some ingredients should penetrate pores because of their skin benefits, others can lead to allergic reactions, disrupt hormones, and cause breakouts. It seems that some ingredients should be avoided, even in small amounts.

    When to See a Dermatologist for Nose Blackheads

    If you’ve tried a plethora of solutions with no respite in sight, it might be time to consult a dermatologist for advice. They can examine your nose and suggest an appropriate course of action based on your needs. They may even do in-office treatments and extractions to help you combat blackheads on the nose.


    You should not delay booking an appointment with your dermatologist if you suspect that you have an infection on your nose. If it looks red or swollen, it’s time to approach a professional who can suggest an effective treatment plan. Even if you experience pain or reckon that things look worse than usual, it’s a good idea to seek professional advice. A licensed dermatologist will be able to address the issue and offer prevention tips for the future.

    Painful Blackheads

    If your nose feels like it’s hurting and you suspect that your blackheads are responsible, you should speak to a dermatologist as soon as possible. They’ll be able to do a physical examination and suggest effective treatment options. Plus, a professional can also prescribe medication to reduce your pain and help you recover.


    • Best Blackhead Remover for Nose?

      While the best treatment for blackheads on noses largely depends on the individual and how severe their blackheads are, the best treatment is one that’s essentially effective across the board, on mild or more obvious cases of blackheads. In that case, retinoids are quite powerful.

    • Best Way to Get Rid of Blackheads on Nose?

      Use a chemical exfoliant containing salicylic acid daily to rid the nose of blackheads over time. Salicylic acid is an excellent way to safely get rid of spotty blackheads on the nose and maintain clear pores, reducing the risk of blackheads forming.

    Combat Blackheads

    Blackheads are a part of life, and there’s no need to feel ashamed because of their existence. Stay loyal to your skincare routine, use the right products for your face, and hold your head high. Those pesky nose blackheads will be gone before you know it.