The Benefits of Shower Plants + How to Choose the Right Ones

Updated on July 26, 2023
Tatiana Cooper By Tatiana Cooper
Tatiana Cooper

Expert writer, copywriter, and well-versed beauty and wellness enthusiast.

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    Shower PlantsPIN

    The Benefits of Shower Plants + How to Choose the Right Ones

    Do you want to add a touch of nature to your shower routine? Look no further than shower plants! These small plants not only bring aesthetic appeal to your bathroom but also provide numerous health benefits and improve air quality.

    So grab your towel, a shower bomb and whatever else you need and let’s dive into why you should incorporate shower plants into your home and how to choose, care for, and display them.

    Benefits of Shower Plants

    Not only do shower plants add a touch of greenery to your bathroom, but they also offer numerous benefits. Let’s explore some of the reasons why you should incorporate shower plants in your home.

    Zohna Tip

    If your thumb is anything but green, try hanging dry eucalyptus leaves in your shower. They have tons of benefits and you don't have to worry about keeping them alive.

    Improve Health

    Shower plants can have a positive impact on your health.

    Studies have shown that plants can:

    • Reduce stress levels
    • Improve mood
    • Boost productivity
    • In addition, plants release moisture into the air, which can help alleviate respiratory problems and dry skin

    Aesthetic Appeal and Relaxation

    Beyond the health benefits, shower plants also add an aesthetic appeal to your bathroom. The addition of a natural element creates a relaxing atmosphere and can give the impression of a spa-like experience. It’s important to make your shower routine as luxurious as possible for everyone in a while. Incorporating other things like shower bombs, shower steamers, and shower onions can also be a great way to elevate your shower game.

    There are many different types of shower plants to choose from, each offering their own unique look and feel. For example, the snake plant has tall, narrow leaves that can add a modern touch to your bathroom, while the Boston fern has delicate fronds that create a more traditional, elegant look.

    Improved Air Quality

    Shower plants can help purify the air in your bathroom. As plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, they also remove toxins and pollutants, creating a more natural and healthy environment.

    In addition to eucalyptus, there are many other plants that are particularly effective at purifying the air. The spider plant, for example, is known for its ability to remove formaldehyde, a common household toxin, from the air.

    Overall, incorporating shower plants into your home is an easy and affordable way to improve your health and enhance your bathroom experience. With so many different types of plants to choose from, you’re sure to find one that fits your style and preferences.

    Choosing the Right Shower Plants

    Having plants in your shower can add a touch of nature to your daily routine and provide numerous benefits such as improving air quality and reducing stress levels. However, choosing the right shower plants can be a daunting task.

    Now that you know the why, it’s time to determine the what. When choosing shower plants, it’s important to consider their specific needs and environment.

    Low-Maintenance Shower Plants

    If you’re new to shower plants or don’t have a particularly green thumb, opt for low-maintenance plants.

    Low-Maintence Shower Plant Options Description
    Pothos plants
    • Heart-shaped leaves that are glossy and waxy in texture.
    • The leaves typically have a variegated pattern, featuring shades of green, yellow, and sometimes white
    • Known for their vigorous growth and ability to thrive in a variety of lighting conditions
    • Require minimal watering and can tolerate low light conditions
    • Great for removing toxins from the air, making them a perfect addition to your shower routine.
    Spider plants
    • They have long, arching leaves that are thin and grass-like in appearance.
    • The leaves are typically green with white or cream stripes running along their length.
    • They are called spider plants due to their spider-like appearance.
    • Require minimal watering and can tolerate low light conditions
    • Great for removing toxins from the air, making them a perfect addition to your shower routine.
    Snake plants
    • Hardy indoor plants with thick, upright leaves.
    • The leaves are elongated and sword-shaped, usually dark green with light green horizontal stripes or patterns.
    • Snake plants are known for their resilience and ability to tolerate low light and neglect.
    • Require minimal watering and can tolerate low light conditions.
    • Great for removing toxins from the air, making them a perfect addition to your shower routine.
    Air plants
    • They have slender, spiky, or rosette-shaped leaves that come in various shades of green, silver, or gray.
    • They have the ability to absorb nutrients and moisture from the air through specialized scales on their leaves called trichomes.
    • They thrive in bright, indirect light and appreciate occasional misting or soaking in water to provide moisture.
    • Doesn’t require soil to grow

    Plants for Low Light Conditions

    If your bathroom lacks natural light, don’t fret!

    There are still plenty of plants that thrive in low light conditions, such as:

    1. Ferns
    2. ZZ plants
    3. Peace lily

    These plants can add a pop of green to your shower without requiring direct sunlight. Another option is the peace lily, which not only thrives in low light but also helps to purify the air. Its beautiful white flowers will add a touch of elegance to your shower routine.

    Shower Plants for High Humidity Environments

    Since showers create a humid environment, it’s essential to choose plants that can tolerate moisture.

    Shower Plants for High Humidity Environments Descriptions
    Philodendrons plant
    • They have large, glossy leaves that are typically heart-shaped or elongated.
    • Come in various sizes and varieties, with different leaf patterns and colors.
    • They are known for their ability to tolerate low-light conditions and their vining or climbing growth habit.
    • Philodendrons are relatively easy to care for and can add a lush and tropical feel to indoor spaces.
    Bamboo plant
    • Bamboo is a type of grass that comes in many species, with some being suitable for indoor growing.
    • Bamboo plants rapidly grow and can quickly create a dense and visually appealing screen or barrier.
    • Bamboo is often associated with a serene and Zen-like aesthetic and can be grown both indoors and outdoors, depending on the variety and climate.
    Bromeliads plant
    • Bromeliads are a diverse family of plants that includes numerous species, many of which are epiphytic, similar to air plants.
    • They are known for their vibrant, long-lasting flowers and unique rosette-shaped or spiky foliage.
    • They are popular as indoor and outdoor ornamental plants and can thrive in various environments.
    Boston fern
    • It has bright green foliage that is delicate and gracefully arching.
    • Boston ferns are native to tropical regions and prefer humid environments. They require indirect light and regular watering to keep the soil moist.
    • They are often prized for their air-purifying qualities and their ability to thrive in low-light conditions.
    • Great option for a high-humidity environment
    • It not only thrives in moisture but also helps to improve air quality by removing pollutants.

    With so many options, it’s easy to find the perfect shower plant to suit your needs and preferences. Whether you opt for a low-maintenance plant or a tropical beauty, adding a plant to your shower routine will surely enhance your daily self-care ritual.

    How to Care for Your Shower Plants

    Shower plants are a great way to add a touch of greenery to your bathroom and create a spa-like atmosphere. Once you’ve chosen your plants, it’s important to care for them properly to ensure they thrive in their new environment.

    Here are some tips to help you care for your shower plants.

    Watering and Drainage

    It’s important to ensure your shower plants have proper drainage to avoid water buildup and root rot. When watering your plants, ensure the pots have drainage holes and water them thoroughly once a week. You can also use a moisture meter to check the soil’s moisture level and avoid over-watering.

    Another way to ensure proper drainage is to use a potting mix specifically designed for indoor plants. These mixes are formulated to provide adequate drainage while retaining enough moisture to keep your plants healthy.

    Pruning and Maintenance

    Occasionally, trimming dead leaves or overgrown stems can help keep your plants healthy. Use sharp scissors or pruning shears to make clean cuts, and avoid tearing the leaves or stems.

    In addition to pruning, make sure to periodically clean the leaves with a damp cloth to remove any dust accumulation. This will help your plants absorb more light and stay healthy.

    Providing Adequate Light

    If your plants require more light than your bathroom can provide, consider leaving them outside for a few hours or investing in a grow light. Grow lights are available in various sizes and types and can provide the right light for your plants to thrive.

    It’s also important to note that some plants, such as ferns and orchids, prefer indirect light and can be damaged by direct sunlight. Make sure to research the specific light requirements of your plants to ensure they are getting the right amount of light.

    Following these tips, you can ensure your shower plants stay healthy and vibrant, adding a touch of nature to your daily routine.

    Creative Ways to Display Your Shower Plants

    Shower plants are an excellent way to bring a touch of nature into your bathroom. Not only do they add a pop of color, but they also help purify the air and create a relaxing atmosphere. Now that you know how to care for shower plants, let’s explore creative ways to display them.

    Hanging Planters and Shelves

    Hanging planters or shelves can add visual interest to your shower and allow your plants to receive more sunlight and airflow. You can choose from various materials, including macrame, ceramic, or metal. Hanging planters are perfect for trailing plants like pothos or ivy, while shelves can hold a variety of plant sizes and shapes. Consider hanging a few small planters at different heights to create a dynamic display.

    Consider using a wooden ladder as a plant stand for a more rustic look. You can hang small planters from the rungs or place larger pots on the steps. This is a great way to add some greenery to a small bathroom without taking up too much space.

    Shower Caddies and Wall Mounts

    If you have limited space, shower caddies or wall mounts can be a great way to add a touch of greenery to your bathroom without taking up floor space. Look for a caddy or mount with built-in hooks or shelves to hold your plants securely. Use suction cups to attach small planters directly to the shower wall. These caddies are also great for holding things like shower caps or squeegees.

    Consider using vintage or antique items as plant holders for a more eclectic look. An old colander or teapot can make a charming planter, while a vintage wire basket can simultaneously hold several small plants.

    DIY Plant Display Ideas

    If you’re feeling crafty, consider creating your own plant holders from recycled materials or repurposed containers. Mason jars, tin cans, and wine bottles can all be turned into unique planters with a little creativity. You can also use driftwood or branches to create a natural-looking plant holder.

    Try making a geometric plant hanger out of a copper pipe or wire for a more modern look. This is a great way to add some industrial style to your bathroom while showcasing your favorite plants.

    With so many creative ways to display your shower plants, you will surely find a style that fits your personality and decor. Whether you choose hanging planters, shower caddies, or DIY plant holders, your plants will add a touch of beauty and serenity to your daily routine.

    Common Mistakes to Avoid with Shower Plants

    While shower plants are a great addition to any bathroom, people make a few common mistakes when it comes to caring for them. Here are some additional tips to help you keep your shower plants healthy and thriving.

    Overwatering and Root Rot

    Overwatering is one of the most common mistakes people make when caring for shower plants. While giving your plants extra water may seem like a good idea, it can lead to root rot and ultimately kill them. To avoid this, only water your plants once a week and provide proper drainage. If the soil is still wet, hold off on watering for a few more days.

    Insufficient Light Exposure

    Plants require light to thrive, so it’s essential to ensure that your shower plants get enough exposure to sunlight. If your bathroom doesn’t get much natural light, consider investing in a grow light to give your plants the necessary light they need to grow and thrive. Place the grow light above your plants and leave it on for 8-12 hours daily.

    Choosing Incompatible Plant Species

    When choosing plants for your shower, choosing species with similar needs is important to ensure their overall health. Some plants prefer drier environments, while others thrive in humid conditions. Make sure to do your research and choose plants that will thrive in the environment you’re providing them.

    Pot Size and Placement

    Another important factor to consider when caring for shower plants is the size of the pot and its placement. Make sure to choose a pot that is appropriate for your plant and provides enough room for growth. Additionally, consider the placement of your plant in the shower. Make sure it’s not blocking access to your shower loofah, or in the direct line of water, as this can damage the leaves and flowers.

    By following these tips, you can ensure that your shower plants stay healthy and thriving. Incorporating plants into your bathroom routine can create a peaceful and natural oasis where you can unwind and care for your health. So, go ahead and bring nature into your home with the countless benefits of shower plants!

    Shower Plants Galore!

    Shower plants bring a touch of nature to our daily routines, providing numerous benefits. Their ability to thrive in humid environments enhances air quality, promotes relaxation, and adds aesthetic appeal. We can cultivate a healthier and more enjoyable shower experience by embracing these small but impactful additions.